Eye Makeup Tips and Advice

Eyes occupy the most prominent place among the five sensory organs of our body. Large and beautiful eyes enhance one's beauty manifold. Healthy eyes are directly related to general health. Use eye-make up very sparingly, for its excessive use damages the skin around eye. Also, remember never to use chemical eye-make-up-remover because it reacts adversely on the skin.
Applying smoky eyes makeup can make you the most attractive and beautiful woman. It is a good choice for drawing attention, also.

A very important thing to take into account is the eye shadow color. Being very careful, smoky eyes are not so difficult to obtain. An advantage of this kind of makeup is that it fits any face type. Start applying the smoky eyes makeup, First, apply a perfect eyeliner and the base eye shadow over the upper lid, blending with a base brush. The next step is to apply a clean color over the eye, from eyelid to brow.

Eye makeup is the fun part of applying cosmetics. Some simple eye makeup tips. Use eye shadows that fit the character or to express mood. Apply the lightest shade you have over the entire eyelid and the medium shade on the lower eyelid. It's time to apply dark colors for creating depth. Best place for doing that is the outer corner. Next, apply a little eyeliner, from the center of the eye to the corners. Finally, apply mascara. For dark eyes, black or dark brown is recommended. A dark brown eye shadow should be applied from the lid to crease, for a better effect. In the final, apply two layers of black mascara and work a little on your eyebrows for a strong smoky eyes makeup.

Various Types of Eye Makeup

Small eyes-Use a light shade of powder for the center of the lid and a darker shade in the outer edge.

Almond-shaped eyes Use a light shade of powder from your lashes to the brow, a medium shade on your lid, and a darker shade on the outer third of your eyelid.

Round eyes-Use light colored shadow over the entire lid and a darker shade in the crease. Apply eyeliner on both the top and bottom lids, and use mascara on the upper outer lashes.
Wide-set eyes-Use a darker shade in the inner corner, blending up and out. Concentrate eyeliner and mascara on the inner corner of the eye.

Close-set eyes-Use one color, varying from a light to darker shade. Start with the lightest shade one-third away from the inner corner of your eye, blending darker shades up and out. Use eyeliner on the outer half of your eye.

Deep-set eyes-Use eyeliner on both the upper and lower lids, remembering to smudge and soften the line.

Eye Makeup Tips

1. Use Sacha's eye shadows to reflect mood.

2. Apply the lightest shade over the entire eyelid.

3. Apply the medium shade on the lower eyelid.

4. Apply the darkest shade in the outer corner of the eye to create depth.

5. Apply eyeliner with short strokes, starting form.

6. The center of the eye and working towards the corners.

7. Mascara finishes your makeup.

8. Do not wear bold eye makeup and a bold lipstick at the same time.

9. Try not to be too dramatic but there is a secret seldom revealed.

Make Up Tips

The kings and queens banned cosmetics, beautification products, make up and the like a long time ago, as it was considered improper to use. Today the world regards make up as a way to simulate youthfulness, health and good looks.

Make up gives your face a complete uplift and transforms your physical appearance giving you a more vibrant look. It highlights your features and makes them appear much brighter.
Before applying make up, you need to clean your face. Keep your skin clear by consuming lots of water, cucumbers, vegetable salads and fruits. Cut and file your nails and keep your hands clean by washing them as often as possible.

You need to choose make up according to your features. For instance, if you have dark hair, select lighter shades of make up and vice versa. If your eyes are closer together, pluck the space between your eyebrows to give more depth. Avoid over plucking your eyebrows and eyelashes, as this can lead to health problems later on.

Avoid coloring, using dyes or tattoos on your eyes in order to protect your eyesight. Touching or rubbing your eyes can also result in eyesight problems. Eye safety is very important, and you need to protect them from any deodorant sprays or other products that can harm them.
If you have skin trouble, consult your dermatologist for advice on using makeup safely. Alternatively, you can request the professional make up services at your local salon. For more make up tips, magazines and the Internet are great resources.

Make-up and Natural Beauty

One of the questions that often comes up when discussing beauty is make-up and other esthetic rituals. Most people with natural beauty really don’t need to worry about these things. Running a comb through the hair and putting on fresh clothes should be sufficient. But if you decide to wear make-up to enhance natural beauty, here are some tips that should make the job easier.

The first thing to do is to make sure that the make-up is good for the skin. There are loads of products, and they sometimes have side affects. Some products make the skin too oily, and others dry it out. Some require the use of harsh cleansers to get them off, and some run off with a little rain which often causes a big mess. The other thing to consider is the ease of the regiment. Different cosmetics lines have certain procedures that are recommended for the best look. Some of these require a lot of hassle and some don’t. Most people with natural beauty prefer those that aren’t so time consuming. Another factor is cost. Cost is important because the price of the product may significantly produce or reduce stress when purchasing make-up. Finally, the last thing to be certain of is the color pallet. It’s important to choose colors that go well with your complexion, hair color, and eye color as well as the color of most of the clothing you possess. Choosing a few eye powders isn’t a bad idea so that you’ll have something for a variety of fashions. The next issue then becomes how to apply the make-up.

Most people with natural beauty prefer a more natural look. This is preferable because layers of make-up offer a painted or plastic look. Other looks appear gothic. If that’s the look you want, there are ways to accomplish it. However, if not, choose colors that blend well and choose the brushes and applicators that will allow for light application of the product. Don’t be afraid to blow a little extra make-up from the brush if it’s too much. Be sure that all foundations and colors are blended into the skin so as to not look like a clown. As fashion preferences change, it’s never a bad idea to ask a cosmetician about the latest styles for application. Practice these styles a few times before actually using them for public events. Don’t forget to cleanse the face after the end of the day as make-up gets everywhere when asleep and looks much worse in the morning.

There are other aesthetic rituals worth discussion. The question of shaving becomes paramount, especially for women. No matter your sex, this is a personal choice. The only thing to be aware of is that some people are snobbish enough to glare at women who haven’t shaved arm pits or leg hair. Again, just remember that it’s a personal choice.

The idea behind aesthetic rituals is to enhance the natural beauty that’s already there. The trick is to be aware of colors, fashions, possible snags, and time constraints as you make the decision on what aesthetics become a part of your daily routine.

5 Tips for Applying Make Up

Hey Mom...can I wear a little makeup? You knew it was coming, because this is not the first time you little daughter asked this question. You try to stall her with the line "we will have to see because of your allergies." She blurts out with "Mom they have hypoallergenic cosmetics".

Hypoallergenic cosmetics, she may be long overdue. However now comes the responsibility of keeping her out of your expensive cosmetics, teaching her the responsibility that comes with wearing makeup. Thus the ultimate question for many parents is when is it the appropriate time for children to wear makeup? Since makeup is supposed to enhance our looks, not create a disguise, it makes sense for parents to inform there children that they first need to care for their skin naturally first by getting adequate rest and regular exercise.

Makeup whether it is expensive or inexpensive works best on well cared for skin. When a child is hypoallergenic it is good to take her to dermatologist before the application of makeup. Many makeup companies sell hypoallergenic cosmetics. As with every child a parent would want to access the liabilities and assets of the childs face. Does she have healthy skin tones, expressive eyes, what colors should she wear? Beauty consultants and in reputable stores can offer advice, however as word of caution since there job is to try to sell the higher price allergenic cosmetics, or expensive cosmetics to receive their commissions.

There are 5 basic tips that can be followed for the child to appear well arranged. For your child to look well arranged please follow the basic tips:


and never go to sleep at night with out cleaning every trace of make up.Use makeup solvents, cold creams, to cleanse the face


this is important because if the lighting is inadequate,you may put on to much makeup, apply makeup near windows to see how it looks in natural room light.


most teens have oily skin, it might be advisable to stick with water based, oil free makeups. They go on lighter and will not aggravate the acne.

compare ingredients of low priced vs expensive versions.Perhaps the only difference is the price and packaging. Reading labels is particularly important if you have allergic reactions to makeup.


in order not to look clown in appearance and your face is not shouting look at my MAKEUP! Apply makeup sparingly

By mastering these tips a balanced and gorgeous appearance will be enhanced by the moderate use of makeup.

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